Bofur obviously falls into the first of the above three categories. A dwarf with his name and same colored clothing is present in the book, but his characterization—that of a witty, fun-loving prankster who’s protective of Bilbo despite constantly teasing him—is not. Although hints of that persona can be read into the original text, particularly in a scene where he trips over a sleeping Bilbo and finds a reason to scold the hobbit for it, the Bofur that we see onscreen is largely a creation of the filmmakers.
You would think that being so embellished from his book counterpart would turn fans off to him, but he’s had the opposite effect. The Internet has been swarming with fanart, fanfiction, fanvideos, memes, and cosplay photos proclaiming our love for the dwarf in the silly hat ever since December 2012. We love Bofur so much that we were even disappointed when he didn’t get his seemingly promised character arc in the third film. Really think about that. Fans of The Hobbit, including fans of the novel, were disappointed that a character made almost from scratch for the movies didn’t get more screentime.
So why do we love him so much?
Well, he gets points for technically being a major character
who’s supposed to be in the story. Bofur is one of Bilbo’s thirteen main
traveling companions from the book, so it makes sense that the movies would
want to give him a better-defined personality and more development. He also
gets points for being a nice guy, as well as for being funny and optimistic to
a degree that isn’t annoying or forced. And yes, being played by a charismatic actor like James Nesbitt also helps. These qualities certainly make Bofur
likeable, but I think what really made his character stand out was the way the
movies unveiled him.
We probably weren’t expecting the supporting dwarves to be
very complex when we first saw An Unexpected Journey. They were barely more than names on a list in the
book, and since we had a much bigger main cast and a shorter running time than
the Lord of the Rings films, we
may have figured that those dwarves would each fall into a standard “token”
role. The tough-looking dwarf with the tattoos would be the token muscle, the
little dwarf with the slingshot would be the token kid, and that dwarf with the
floppy hat and the jaunty accent would be the token comic relief.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with keeping film
characters simple when you’ve got so many of them, especially in an adaptation.
Leaving any of the dwarves out of the Hobbit films would have likely angered the fanbase, and since Peter Jackson’s
team didn’t have much to go off of from the book in terms of their
personalities, depicting the less important dwarves as one-note tropes would
have been forgivable. The fact stood though that being an oblivious walking
punchline didn’t make Bofur terribly engaging in the first two thirds of the
And then the cave scene happened.
To this day, I think that the conversation where Bilbo
accidentally says the dwarves don’t belong anywhere and Bofur wishes him “all
the luck in the world” is one of the most moving and ingenious moments in the
whole Hobbit film trilogy, and it wasn’t
even written by Tolkien. Not only did it reveal that Bofur actually had
feelings to hurt underneath his wisecracks, but it also changed our perspective
on a lot of his previous actions towards Bilbo. He wasn’t an insensitive idiot;
he was a well-intentioned friend who just liked to poke fun at the hobbit for
being so uptight.
That’s why I think we came to love Bofur so much. He caught
us by surprise in a really good way, and we were excited to see what he would
do next. The Desolation of Smaug and The
Battle of the Five Armies may not have
given us anything quite as impressive, at least not yet in the latter’s case,
but after Bofur got our attention, he stayed interesting enough to keep it.
As superior as the Lord of the Rings movies are considered to be, I do think that the
filmmakers learned a lesson from their slapstick portrayal of Gimli. They may
have learned that lesson so well, in fact, that they decided to play to our
expectations by introducing Bofur as another clown before revealing more of his
layers. Granted, there are still a few comedic misfires among the cast of The
Hobbit, and the cave scene with Bilbo was
actually a later idea shot in pickups, but it’s clear that movie Bofur was
always meant to be something new to Peter Jackson’s Middle-Earth. He was meant
to be (and is) self-aware comic relief.
How often in movies like this are the funny characters in on
their own jokes? Most of the time, it seems like the audience is meant to laugh
at them rather than with them. Even with previous three-dimensional comic
relief characters like Merry and Pippin, the humor usually came from how
foolish or awkward they were, not from how witty they were.
Bofur is a different breed. While he does have a few comical
misfortunes, such as hitting his head on the bottom of a table and saying that
things “could have been worse” right before the Great Goblin falls on him, the
majority of his humor comes from him mocking or making light of serious
situations. The character himself has a sense of humor, and he deliberately
uses it throughout the films to try and boost his company's moral.

Bofur knows full well how dire the situation is. He was the
one who told Bard in the first place that Kili was "very sick," after
all. He's aware that a dying, violently convulsing person isn't going to wander
off while he's gone, but he's making a joke anyway to try and cheer up Kili.
Another case is the scene in An Unexpected Journey where he describes to Bilbo what it’s like to be
incinerated by dragon fire. Bofur obviously has no idea what that’s really
like, but since Bilbo is taking the threat of it so seriously, the dwarf is
trying to play it down and make it sound ridiculous. Some might see this as him
trying to scare Bilbo more, since it ends with the hobbit passing out, but
remember that it comes after Bofur’s thoughtful reaction to Gandalf saying that
there’s more to the hobbit “than appearances suggest.” He’s putting on a goofy
act to try and make Bilbo laugh off the danger.
That’s what makes Bofur’s movie persona so ingenious, in my opinion. He’s a person first and an archetype second, and he knows it in a way. Because of that, he’s versatile enough to carry a completely serious moment just as naturally as a completely funny one, just like a real person who has a sense of humor.
The fact that he carries out those funny moments on purpose
makes him all the more endearing, because he’s putting forth a conscious effort
to make the events we see onscreen more enjoyable. We almost feel like Bofur,
not just the actor and film crew behind his character, is trying to entertain
us and get us through things as much as he’s trying to do that for Bilbo and
the other dwarves. That makes us feel more like we’re part of the company,
rather than a bunch of spectators watching them from a theater. The experience
of viewing the Hobbit movies is more
immersive because his character is so genuine.
No official word has been given so far on Bofur’s role in
the Extended Edition of The Battle of the Five Armies. The only guesses we can make are from hints by
screenwriter Philippa Boyens and a couple castmembers about what was meant for
him prior to the film’s theatrical release. Whether or not we’ll see him come
more into his own or have another conversation with Bilbo this November is
unclear, but given his history with the Extended Editions and that
thirty minutes will be added to this coming one—and that the
filmmakers seem to like him as much as we do—it’s a safe bet that he’ll get his
chance to shine one last time.